
Facebook and Instagram will invest over $1 BLN in content creators

Facebook Inc will spend $1 billion on social media creators through the end of 2022 in a fight for top talent announced, when TikTok became...

One App for Total Communications Experience

Our ability to suddenly shift everything to virtual would not have been possible, if this pandemic came before years ago. Currently there are lots...

Global banks to launch voluntary carbon offset market platform

Four global banks will next month launch a pilot platform for buying and selling voluntary carbon credits. A private sector task force on scaling up...

Created in collaboration with Microsoft, AI-powered continuous learning platform FLEXA

Different online approaches were quickly developing to accommodate for students who had to work and study remotely from campus. It’s now a reality that...

When do electric vehicles become cleaner than gasoline cars?

Governments around the world push for greener transport to meet climate targets. A model is designed to calculate the lifetime emissions of vehicles. This...


